Abe Fishman was born sometime during the century before this one in Intercourse, Pennsylvania. Fishman’s Father, Fast Freddy Fishman met Fishman’s mother Reeba on the Island of Guam (the less said about that the better). Fishman’s parents moved to Intercourse where Fast Freddy opened a school for radio ventriloquists. Abe attended High School but did not graduate, Fishman dropped out of Goode High halfway during his Sophomore year. Being a Patriot Fishman enlisted in the U.S.Navy where his M.O.S. was underwater Mess Kit repair. After failing multiple drug tests Fishman and the Navy parted ways. Fishman then attended and graduated from The Rocco Payola School of Broadcasting on Staten Island New York. Fishman left N.Y. and moved to Virginia after being wrongly accused of a crime, Fishman doesn’t remember exactly what the crime was but he does remember it had something to do with Animal Husbandry. Fishman and Macrini met at A Cock Fight in short Pump, they hit it off and the rest is history.